I really like the hot design trend of typography! You may notice it when you look through catalogs like Pottery Barn. I wanted to incorporate this trend into my home, but there was no way that I was going to spend a lot of money doing it. So I came up with this idea. In my kitchen I have a plate rack that I like to change out through the year. I liked the idea of numbers on plates and thought it would really make an eye catching display. I found some nice white plates at the dollar store and then went to a print store that cuts vinyl lettering. I told them the size and font that I wanted. Then I applied the numbers to my plates. Voila! (one of the few words I remember from Jr. High school French) I now have a designer look at a dollar store price.

I didn't stop the trend there. After all, good design repeats itself. I purchased house numbers at the building store, dressed them up with ribbon and tassels and tied them onto jars. Then I built the little pedestal for the jars to sit on so the tassels could hang just right (I told you I can be a bit obsessive when it comes to design).
Trends are wonderful, but they are just that---a trend. Spending a lot of money on something that will go out of style leaves you feeling like you have to keep it for years passed the trend. Hopefully you're inspired to bring a design trend into your home in an inexpensive way. Now you'll have to excuse me, it looks like I need to run to the store to buy some flour.....
OH! A little warning, if you do choose to bring a little typography into your home design, be prepared for weird questions from family and friends!
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