Today is Earth Day. I'm not exactly sure how we're supposed to celebrate Earth Day, but I'm relieved that is doesn't involve gift giving. I chose to celebrate by getting my hands dirty moving dirt and rocks. The weather here is true to the season. It springs back and forth from cold to warm. Fortunately today is fairly warm. It's a perfect day to work on an easy water feature in my yard. Here's how it's done: you'll need a shovel, a five gallon bucket (remove the handle), a submersible pump with a long tube attached, wire mesh, tin, tin snips and various rocks.

Dig a hole in the ground large enough to bury the bucket. Place the pump and tube inside the bucket. It's best to put the pump on top of rock or bricks so if dirt falls in, the pump is above the dirt and sledge level. Cut a hole in the center of the wire screen for the tube to go through. Place the screen on top of the bucket making sure it is large enough to cover the mouth of the bucket and a few inches more. You may need to strategically place some tin around the opening to catch the splashing water and direct it back inside the bucket.

I had some leftover cultured stone (fake rock) from our house face lift. I drilled a hole through the stone, large enough for the tube, using a masonry bit. You can skip this step and just place rocks around the tubing to hide it. Cover all of the screen and tin with rocks. Plug in your pump and ENJOY!
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