When your window to the world shows the world a little more than you care to show, be creative! This is my bedroom window. It's very large. I love the light and the view. But it is a bedroom so we do need a degree of privacy (we don't want to scare the neighbors or cause them to die from hysterical laughter). I hung an old window backed with scrapbook paper. It's pretty and practical.
If you don't want to use an old window consider hanging or propping up a row of pictures or a large painting. Can't find a suitable painting? Hot glue some pretty fabric or wallpaper inside a large frame. How about hanging a lightweight door mirror sideways for a more contemporary look? Use thumb tacks to hang up lengths of pretty ribbon across the window. Or tack up a beautiful tablecloth across the bottom half of the window---you can even fold a square tablecloth into a triangle and hang it by the points. Think beyond the store's drapery isle. Hopefully your brain is now firing with ideas for your window to the world!
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