A Fish Tale
I bought this box at the thrift store last week. It was probably someone's wood shop project. I know, you're probably questioning my taste right about now, and asking yourself, "What was she thinking?!?!" I'm sure that's what people at the thrift store thought. They could only see that lovely fish decal on a funky little box. The lady who checked me out thought that it looked like a small coffin for fish. But all I could see was the craftsmanship! It's made up of all kinds of beautiful mouldings. It has style. Or at least, it has the potential for style.
I sanded off the fishy and gave it a few coats of spray paint, in what seems to be my favorite color now a days. Then I topped it with a sassy little knob. . .
And now it's a stlyish little box that anyone would be proud to put their dead fish in. ;)
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