Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Artist's Window

Over the last few months I shared with you a few projects we built for our friends cabin. We built a hall tree out of an old door,and changed the look of their fireplace from this...
Across from the fireplace is an open staircase, a perfect little spot to tuck in tables an chairs for their grandchildren. To make it even more fun we created
an art center
made from an old wooden window frame.
One side of the window we made a chalkboard and the other side we cut a piece of metal to fit for a magnet board.We built and attached a little window box out of cedar to hold plastic flower pots filled with oodles of art supplies.
A perfect spot for inspiring little artists!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Comfort Zone

I am a creature of comfort.
I prefer to stay in my little cocoon
where I can be safe and warm and comfortable.
There is only one problem with that attitude.
I do not grow.
And even though growing can be painful,
it is also a necessary part of life.

Today I find myself in an uncomfortable but necessary position.
I have determined that it is time for me to
stretch my wings and fly
As scary as it is for me to do,
I fear that it will be more scary not to.

Recently I quietly celebrated my blog's second anniversary.
Like most events in my life the celebration included
a time of reflection.
It also caused me to visualize what I want in the future.

Blogging has taken me to places I never anticipated.
It is time for me to go further.
Time to leave my comfort zone.
To push myself.
To become more.
I know that if I can become more
I can have a greater impact on others.

That's the scary part!
I would much rather be a hermit
than put myself out in the world.
But the time has come.

Please be kind.

I have decided that it is time for me to
ask for sponsors.
Although I hesitate to charge people money
I know that it is a means to help others grow.

Okay, (deep breath!)
that is not where my stretching ends.

For several years now I have done design consultations
for friends and friends of friends.
It has become a small business.
A business that I really enjoy.
It is time for me and my business to grow.
If you live in my area
(Northern Utah, USA)
I am available for hire.

Please contact me at
if you are interested in advertising
or a design consultation.

Getting out of your comfort zone
is both scary and exhilarating!

What will you do today to get out of your comfort zone?