Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This Little Light of Mine

I have a soft spot for lamps---especially small, unique ones. So when I found this vintage glass beauty a while back at the thrift store I felt the need to adopt it. Sure it needed a pretty shade and to be rewired, but that didn't stop me. Lamp kits are available at hardware stores for not much money and rewiring a lamp only takes a few minutes. As for the shade I just kept my eye out at the thrift store until I found the style and size I needed.
Now my adopted little sweetheart has a new home
in the bookcase in the living room.
I think it looks right at home there.

I would be thrilled if you would take a minute to
click here to Jackson Design and
to vote for Joys of Home.
Voting ends Thursday the 15th
Thank you!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hydrangea Love

I think that one of my favorite flowers has to be
the hydrangea.Unfortunately I have a brown thumb
when it comes to growing them.

I've tried three times.
Three times I have failed.
I am working up the courage to try again this summer.
But I haven't let my failure of growing the real thing
stop me from surrounding myself
with the much easier variety to care for. . .
the faux hydrangea---easy to care for, widely available.
I've even bought them from the dollar store. Dollar store hydrangea's displayed en mass on my front door.

What flower draws your attention, be it real or faux?

If you haven't had a chance to vote for Joys of Home at
JDR 2010 Industry Blogger Awards
I would really appreciate it if you would
please take a moment to click on
this link and vote.
Voting ends Thursday and JofH has slipped in the polls.

Thank you so much for your support!!!

A trip to the islands

Most of us with our small spaces do not have room for a table much less island, but these are on a somewhat smaller scale and I love how different they feel.