Showing posts with label Embracing a Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embracing a Lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Little Things

It's a rainy day.
The perfect day to enjoy many of the little touches in my home.The fall leaves on the shower curtain holders.The perfectly stacked candles lying amid the gleaming mercury glass candle sticks topped with faux pumpkins.A beautiful, very feminine, little table---a recent thrift store acquisition.A pretty little pumpkin plopped a top a curvy plant stand.A huge hurricane containing a plethora of acorns and white pumpkins, finished off with the perfect touches of jute twine and vintage keys.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Does It Make You Smile

I recently changed out the accessories in my bathroom. A while back I had placed a weathered blue lantern on the counter with a candle and a pencil starfish inside. It was simpe, beautiful and beachy.But I found myself looking at it and thinking, "Blaaaahh." Maybe it was because, with the kids going back to school, I'm not in a beachy mood. Maybe it was that it had been sitting there long enough that I had begun to look at it as clutter instead of beauty. Or maybe it just didn't have enough layers as I find myself being drawn to in my accessorizing these days. Whatever the reason, it no longer made me smile. So it was time for a little change.
I pulled together a collection of white soap dishes, added in some wonderfully smelling decorative soaps, fake pearls, faucet knobs and a delightfully fragrent candle. Then I placed them a top an old china platter, layered on a tarnished silver tray.
Now that makes me smile.What about you? Do you have accessories that you feel Blah about? If so it's time to make a change. Rearrange items, pull things from other rooms, give them a new coat of paint, or live without any accessories in that spot for a while. Whatever it takes,
give yourself another opportunity to
smile about your home

Monday, August 17, 2009

It Makes Me Giddy

Okay, I already know that you're going to laugh at this one. Last Friday hubby and I went out on our date. We had to run an errand to his business. Because of my inquisitive mind and my always burning desire to find treasures, within minutes we found ourselves trolling dumpsters in the area. Oh there were some goodies to be found. Yep, I truly get giddy when I discover a good dumpster find!
The night actually got even better! We ran to the home improvement store to pick up some wood for a project. We walked by the cull bin and found all the wood we needed, and more, and it was marked down to $2.01 a piece. We ended up with a truck full of supplies for just over thirty dollars! It wasn't the type of wood I initially had in mind but who can pass up a bargain like that?!?
Oh what fun we had! Look at what we came home with.A truck full of all sorts of wood.
Yes, those are shutters under there---two small and one tall one (not pictured).
The top to an air condition unit.
I think that it will make a great wall hanging in one of my son's rooms (the label will be peeled off and replaced with a monogram).
I'm sure this is not everyone's idea of a
great date night,
but it was a highlight for us!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Perfect Day

In almost a year and a half of blogging I have shared several DIY projects, lots of thrift store goodies, and numerous photos of the decor in my home. So that might lead you to believe that a perfect day for me would be when I've made something wonderful, or purchased an awesome thrift store find, or have my home or yard decorated to perfection.
But that's not the case.
An example of my idea of a perfect day happened last weekend. Son #2 got a wild idea to jump on a motorcycle and ride it in our backyard. Within seconds son #3 was on another motorcycle and both were circling the yard making a large figure eight track while #4 son ran around shooting them both with a nerf gun. Of course, I grabbed the movie camera to document the fun. No, I wasn't concerned that their antics would ruin my beautiful yard. As my hubby has said for years, "We're raising sons, not grass."
So you see, although I post a lot of pretty things on this blog, those really aren't the things that matter most to me.
I make my home and yard pretty for one purpose only, so that my family will have beautiful places to make wonderful lifetime memories.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Change Is Good

Last year I bought this darling birdhouse---at a real store, not the thrift store.
Yes, I occasionally do that.

It looked wonderful on my mantle decorated like this:When the holidays came, I put it into my "inventory room" (hubby's term for our messy storage room).
I recently pulled it out of storage and once again placed it on my mantle. It's the same birdhouse, I didn't alter it a bit, but I did alter how I decorated around it.
Do you change the way you decorate or does everything stay the same? If you're a "stay the same" decorator, why not pick one little area of your home to change up this weekend. I'm not telling you to go out and buy a bunch of things. No, not at all. Everything on my mantle was pulled from what I already had.
Come on, try it!
Take things from one room and put them in another. Pull together a whole new vignette using your same old stuff in a new way.
It's fun! It's challenging! It's rewarding!
Change is good
for you and your home!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Who's Grading?

You may recall that I said I do not sew. Well actually, on occasion, I've been known to sew----for decorative purposes only. I think that I would probably sew more if it weren't for those horrid memories of Junior High Home-Ec sewing class. I remember unpicking more stitches than I sewed, or at least it seemed that way. I wanted my project (a cotton slip with lace and an elastic band waist) to be perfect so that I could get a good grade. Yes, I unpicked and unpicked and unpicked so much that I dreaded sewing and hated the finished product.
But lately I've been making some changes in my life. You see, I have spent my entire life only trying things if I first knew that I could do them well. I steered clear of experiences if I felt that I couldn't succeed.
But I have finally realized that I have held myself back from so many wonderful adventures in life. Why do I still feel, years and years after graduating from school, that I am being graded on my performance?
The real truth is,
I'm the ONLY one that's doing the grading!

Even if someone else comments on my performance, it's still MY CHOICE to let their opinion influence my life.
And so, with those thoughts in mind, I pulled out the sewing machine, plopped my faded outdoor cushions on top of pretty fabric and got to work. About an hour later I proudly placed my newly covered cushions outside. I had a real feeling of accomplishment! Are the covers perfect? Let's just say that if I was being graded I would not get an A for quality. But I would get an A+ for effort----and that's really all that matters!
My family and friends will enjoy the new seating. It won't matter to them that the seams aren't perfect. They, and I, will appreciate the overall beauty and comfort of the cushions and the memories that we will make on our back patio.
I have the satisfaction of knowing that I created something beautiful. But even more, I have learned that life isn't about grades, it's about
making mistakes,
and realizing that making the effort
to learn and grow is when we
truly succeed.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dollars and Scents

Okay, I realize this post may seem a bit out of the ordinary, yet if you've visited with me for very long you know how much I enjoy finding inexpensive little pleasures. So I thought I would share.
Have you ever bought these delightful bottles of linen water at the dollar store?
They are wonderful for spritzing on your clothes when you iron. But being the non-ironing gal that I am, I've found another use for them. I love to spray them on my sheets and pillows right before I go to bed at night. The scent is very delicate yet it still freshens the bed and the room. Aaahhhh, talk about feeling just a bit pampered, smelling a little L'essence de Provence just as you drift off into dreamland!

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's Time For The Truth

Okay, it's time for the truth. While things seem pretty and perfect at my blog, the truth is that I've felt "mostly dead" this entire week. Yes, mostly dead from what is likely a sinus infection from breathing in an over abundance of saw dust and paint fumes from this project. And from the reaction to the drug that is supposed to make me feel better.
Why am I telling you this?
First, because it's good to be reminded that even though all of my projects are done in a "well ventilated area" (outside), it's still good to protect myself, and you should protect yourself too.
Meet my new best friend.
I'll look pretty funny. But funny looking is a better choice than mostly dead feeling.
Second, you must see the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
Sick as could be, I dragged myself out, did a quick, but unfinished paint job on this chair. And an unfinished clean-up of the area, just so I could present a pretty picture to all who care to see.

But I feel bad---not mostly dead bad. I'm actually feeling almost alive again.
But I have been feeling guilty bad. Guilty for adding to the whole notion that we should always give the appearance of pretty and perfect.
When the reality for all of us is that
RARELY is life pretty and perfect.
And to be honest, who wants it to be?
It's the messes in our lives that make us
appreciate the pretty.

It's the mostly dead moments that remind us
to embrace every moment of living.

I fear that the blog world
can be one more place where

we compare the worst in ourselves
to the best in others

So today I will tell the truth.
My life is often a mess
and rarely pretty and perfect.

And I love it that way!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Basket To Go

When my children were younger I would keep a packed picnic basket in my car during the summer months. It came in handy. With a basket packed at all times, I only needed to worry about fixing sandwiches and grabbing drinks and we were ready to have a picnic. Or we would pick up some food at the drive-thru and then stop at a near by park to make eating out a real occasion. Somewhere between the changing of cars, and the growing of children I got out of the habit. This summer I decided to get back into it.I pulled out a pretty little basket from my basket stash (doesn't everyone have a stash of baskets?).I filled it with the usual supplies: plates, bowls, cups, utensils, pretty napkins, and a tablecloth, all from the dollar store. I also threw in some baby wipes for cleaning hands, spills, etc. Even though my family is now older and a bit smaller in size, I still want to make some impromptu family picnic memories.
I've added a few more supplies to the basket. My hubby and I enjoy going on a weekly date, but with the economy we've had to cut back. We have found date nights to be really beneficial for our marriage.
I highly recommend it! Spending scheduled time alone together has strengthened our relationship. Our date nights have become a priority, even our kids expect us to go out every Friday. So we're not cutting back on our dates, just the amount of money we spend. Date nights don't have to cost a lot, they can be as simple as a dinner in the backyard while the kids are inside watching a movie. Now with the addition of candles, and a lighter in the basket, we can grab a chilled bottle of sparkling grape juice and we're ready to turn a five dollar sub into a romantic dinner for two.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Celebration Time

The celebration begins!
Our fourth of July celebrating begins tonight
with a concert in the park,
followed by fireworks.
In the morning we'll watch our
hometown parade
Who doesn't love a parade?
Every year we come home with a sack of candy, mostly saltwater taffy, that's been thrown to us by the people in the parade. Afterwards, everyone will enjoy an old fashioned carnival in the park.
Then we'll go home to relax and enjoy a
family barbecue in the backyard.At dusk, we'll go to a near-by town to watch
more fireworks

I LOVE fireworks! My best memories of summer celebrations
are of our family
ooooohhing and aaahhhhing over fireworks.
How will you make
summer celebration memories
this weekend?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Change Is Good

I've been working on a little project for my office closet. Let me rephrase that...I've been getting incredibly frustrated with a project that I thought would be little, but is turning out to be a gigantic pain. At first I wasn't going to post about it, but then I figured that there is a lesson to be shared.
Do you see these pretty red boxes I found at the thrift store?
For some strange reason I decided that I wanted them to color coordinate with the other storage boxes in my closet. So I painted the lid of one using craft paint. Fortunately, I stopped at just the lid because after it dried, all it took was the scratch of my fingernail to take off all of the paint.
Then I got another great idea. I tore up pieces of craft paper and scrunched them. Then I applied the craft paper to the box using watered down mod podge. The result looks great, kind of like leather. But it took almost two hours. TWO HOURS for one little box and I still have two boxes to do! I just don't think this is worth my time. I mean really, it's not like my closet is going to be featured on the cover of some nation wide magazine.So the lesson to be learned?
Give yourself permission
to change your mind!
If something isn't turning out exactly as you planned, it's okay to reevaluate and make some changes.As I was taking this picture my youngest son asked if I was going to decorate the other two boxes. I told him no because it took too long. He asked, "So do you regret doing it?" My answer, "No, because I learned something. There are no regrets when you learn a lesson." I tried something that I've wanted to do. I will probably try this technique again, on something bigger like an old trunk.
This lesson can be applied to almost ANYTHING in decorating. If you're half way through painting a room and you absolutely hate the color, it's okay to change your mind. It's just paint. If you loved your couch five years ago when you bought it, but now you think it's an eyesore. It's okay, make or buy a slipcover for it, or sell it and use the money to buy another one that you love (new or used). If you thought you'd love a house with a country feel, but find yourself not feeling at home in your own home, then change the decor.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with going in a different direction than you first intended as long as the end result is a home that you love and feel comfortable in. Because really, shouldn't that be the main goal all along?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Be My Guest

This may look like a continental breakfast for house guests but it was just a little Sunday morning treat for my family. I thought it would be nice to spoil them a bit and treat them like guests.
Embracing a beautiful lifestyle
doesn't have to cost a lot.
All of the food was bought on sale. All of the serving dishes came from the thrift store.
I enjoyed giving my family a little surprise that was easy, delicious, and pleasing to the eye. Their reaction? One son told me he was disappointed because there wasn't any waffles. Did I let his comment take away from the happiness that I received by creating the treat? No, but next time I'll know who to assign the task of making waffles.

For those who wanted to know how I made the monogram wreath on yesterday's post, it was made with the leftovers from this wreath. I just wired them onto a wooden form of the letter A.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I've been adding a few finishing details to my office closet. One very important detail are the labels. I adore labels for organizing. With labels I never have to hear the words, "Moooooommmmm, where's the _____?!?" or "Honey, where do I put this?"Labels don't have to be office supply ordinary. It's always an enjoyable touch to turn the practical into the pretty. It gives you even more reason to smile when opening an organized closet.Interestingly enough, my husband and I had a discussion about labels a few days ago while out on our morning walk. We didn't discuss the labels that help keep us organized, but rather the labels we tend to give ourselves. We all do it. Unfortunately, personal labels aren't always as wonderful as organizational labels, although both can serve as a means to contain. Have you noticed that often the labels we give ourselves are not positive and character building? In fact it's the negative labels that truly do keep us contained and boxed up. Personal negative labels keep us from growing and experiencing all the good that life has to offer. Negative labels can also keep us from giving the best of ourselves to others. I realize this daily in my own life and I'm trying to break out of my boxes with negative labels. It's definitely not an easy thing, especially when the labels have been there for years. But I know that if I am to become the person I am meant to be, I have to remove the stifling negative labels and replace them with encouraging positive labels.
Spring time is a time of change and renewal in nature. It's also a excellent time to make changes in ourselves. Will you join me and think of a few positive labels to describe yourself and then daily work toward those attributes?
The incredible thing about giving positive labels to ourselves is that it can become contagious and before you know it, you'll find yourself giving those around you positive labels too.
Why don't we all start
a positive label epidemic!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bottled Memories

After more than a year of writing posts, I find my blog evolving. No, it's not because I have run out of projects. I doubt that will ever happen. It's because of your comments and emails (Thank you so much!). I've decided that I want my blog to be a place where you come to get inspiration not just for your home, but also for your life. I'm excited to announce that I will be including two more labels to my posts. Tomorrow's label will be "Featured Inspiration." I've asked an artist to tell us a bit about herself. I'm hoping that these occasional features will help inspire you and give you courage to follow your dreams and passions.
Today's label is "Embracing a Lifestyle." These posts will include those little things in life that we need to take time to stop and appreciate. I find myself some days spending a lot of energy wanting the magazine cover home and lifestyle. But when I stop to think about my life, it's really the messy, noisy, simple, far-from-magazine-cover things that are the most meaningful. Here's a wonderful example:
I have this little bottle tucked away in a drawer in my bathroom. Every time I open the drawer and see it there, it warms my heart and makes me smile. I know it may not look like much to you, just a dollar store bottle containing some faded, folded construction paper pieces. But to me this little bottle is a cherished possession. Years ago my only daughter organized her three oldest brothers, and each of them wrote me a little note. They folded those love notes, stuffed them into this bottle and presented it to me. It's one of the sweetest gifts I've ever been given. Each time I see it I think of my beautiful children and of how time has passed so swiftly. I wish I knew then how quickly the years would fly. I think I would have treasured the days and the moments with my children a little more. I am thrilled that I have this bottle of memories.
Isn't is wonderful how something so inexpensive can be so priceless. I think that it's a good reminder that the best gifts really can come in small packages. Maybe one of the blessings of living in a time when we're all needing to watch our finances carefully, is that we can get back to giving simple gifts that are heartfelt and meaningful.
Have you given or received a gift that cost little but meant a lot?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Finding Treasures

Saturday was such a crazy busy day! We spent the morning helping with a neighborhood clean-up. Then I had groceries to buy and last minute Easter goodies to purchase. It seems that this year every store sold out plastic eggs, which meant, because I am a procrastinator, I had to go to more stores than I had planned. I prepared items to bring to a big family dinner that evening. Once we returned, there was house cleaning and more holiday and dinner preparations for Sunday. It was a very busy day! But would you believe that I actually found some time to stop in the thrift store? Yes, I did.
I have these wonderful treasures to prove it.
There is another treasure I found at the thrift store, but I can't show you. It isn't something I purchased. Saturday I found myself getting grumpy. You know how it is when you feel like you have to do it all and be it all, and with a holiday it seems those feelings are multiplied. Well, I decided that I wanted to break
the grumpy mom cycle.
I knew that the reason I had the uglies was because "the well" was getting dry. By that I mean, I was so busy doing for others that there was little left for me. So I took a few minutes to
"fill the well."

Do you do that?
Do you take time to give to yourself so that you have more to give to others. It's taken me YEARS to learn---aahhh, I'm still trying to learn that when I take the time to
do something special
that makes me feel good, it's much easier for me to do things for others to make them feel good. It doesn't have to involve spending money. It can be as simple as closing the bedroom (or bathroom) door for a few minutes of quiet time alone, going for a walk, or sitting on the lawn reading a favorite magazine.
We all know what makes us feel better, those treasures that refresh our souls.
I hope you take some treasured time today,
and everyday,
to fill your well.

Friday, April 10, 2009


What if you could have the
in the home you're living in right now.
How would it look?

Most of us have a list of things we'd like to do to improve our home. I don't think I know anyone who lives in their ideal home.
But, do you find yourself saying "If only..."
If only I had hardwood floors, then I would be happy with my home.
If only my appliances were beautiful stainless steel, then I'd have my dream kitchen.
If only the furniture came from a high end furniture store instead of a thrift store and hand-me-downs, then I'd love to entertain.
If only my walls weren't decorated with children's hand prints and the floor with toys, then I could decorate my home with beautiful things.
If only my house was bigger, then. . .
If only we had enough money to make home improvements, then. . .
The problem with the "If only's" is that you choose to delay your happiness and miss out on JOY you could be having right now.
If you learn nothing else from my blog, I hope you learn that every day you should do a little something to find the JOYS of home. That's my goal. Let me illustrate with photos of my own home.
Our main bathroom looks picture perfect. It's not! The tile floor has cracks, the top drawer falls out if you pull it too far. The cabinets are low end wood laminate and the sinks have rust stains that cannot be removed.
I could have chosen to live with the "If only's." Instead, I
painted the cabinets, replaced the hardware, and stocked the linen closet with fluffy white towels.
The flooring in our home was not pretty, at all. If I lived in "If only" land I would not have torn out the ugly carpet and tile, painted the subflooring and personalized our stairs. Would I love to have beautiful hardwood? Of course! But look at the creative opportunities that I would have missed. The kitchen has the same cheap cabinetry as the bathroom and the appliances are white. It had the ubiquitous U-shape of the 1970's until we decided to tear it apart and make improvements on a budget of a thousand dollars. The "If only" attitude would have robbed us of wonderful memories of working together and of preparing our turkey on top of the washing machine because hubby was installing the sink on Thanksgiving morning.The beautiful fireplace I told you about yesterday is still not finished. It's missing the surround on the firebox. No one notices because I painted the whole thing black and loaded it with pretty candles. Would I love to have a finished gas burning fireplace? YES, but I can enjoy it this way until our finances allow us to finish it. Our master bedroom has painted subflooring and a master bath that needs major work. The furniture is from the thrift store, the draperies are drop cloths, the walls are painted with mistints. But it can still be beautiful and on a budget.

With an "If only" attitude I would never have discovered the depth of my creativity. I would not have had the opportunity to help others design their homes, and I certainly would never have started a blog.
Don't let the thief "If only" rob you from the JOYS of home that are at your finger tips.
Please stop living with the "If only's" and do what you can, with what you have, to find the JOYS in your home. This weekend would be a great time to start!