Showing posts with label outdoor decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoor decor. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Spooky Welcome

The outside of my home is prepared to
welcome October guests.Some may think it's a little batty.But I think that it's something
to crow about.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Garden Delight

I want to thank you all
for your very warm and
welcoming comments
on my comeback post.
It's good to be back!

Summer days have come to an end but luckily
my vegetable garden is still in full production.
The tomato plants have filled the obelisks that we built.
I grew heirlooms this year and it makes me giddy
to see them ripening.
I've had so many tomatoes, zucchinis and summer squash
that I set up a table on my front porch
and asked my neighbors to come help themselves.
I am delighted to see so many pumpkins and gourdsof all colors, shapes and sizes growing in my garden. I'm sure this may seem strange to some,
but sometimes I think that my purpose
for growing a garden is more for the

I get from decorating with my harvest
than from the eating of it.
I suppose both serve a similar purpose;
one feeds the body, the other feeds the soul.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Secret Garden

There is a shady little strip of land
at the side of my home. It isn't seen by many so I like to think of it as
my secret garden

I've decorated it with odd little pieces of yard art. Because of it's less than ideal location,
plants struggle to grow and what plants do grow
become dinner to the snails that live there.
But it is still a favorite little spot of mine,
to sit and ponder,
or simply to walk through and smile.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Ol' Screen Door

One of my favorite projects for the porch redo began with a door
that was originally propped in the corner of the side porch.
It was there because my client has
a love for old screen doors
and she had purchased this one to use as decoration. Without telling her my plans I kidnapped her door to give it a makeover.
(She gave me a budget and told me she didn't want to make ANY decisions!)
I dry brushed it to give it a real aged appearance
and show off the details.
We purchased two sets of bi-fold doors from the thrift store. And added plywood and molding to make a shelving unit.I gave the outside a few coats of the exterior red paint
that was used on other porch projects.
The interior was painted a calm gray.Now the ol' screen door is not just pretty to look at,
it's functional too.
The perfect little potting shed!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Flower Place

We really enjoyed building a few projects for my client's porches.
One project was a plant stand. We built a simple box out of MDF,
added some decorative molding to the front,
and attached stair balusters for legs. To make it easy and inexpensive to change faux flowers seasonally,
I designed it with an interior board that rests inside the box. Holes were drilled into the board and it was covered with moss.
Flower picks are placed securely into the holes. If the homeowner wants real potted flowers,
she can simply remove the interior board and place them inside.
But for now the faux flowers are
pretty and maintenance free
I think it looks perfect
sitting beneath the welcome sign I made.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Address This

My client shares a long driveway with her neighbors. She wanted a way to let people know which home was theirs. I thought about making something like this to show off her address, but she also asked for items that were low maintenance.I walked the aisles of the home improvement store until I discovered the electrical section. I purchased a long conduit pipe, two bent sections, and a bag of joiners. I also picked up address numbers and a small piece of galvanized sheet metal.
Mr. JofH cut the pipe and assembled the frame. He backed the sheet metal with cedar boards so the numbers could be screwed in, then hung the address from the frame with a few links of chain.
I was thrilled with the no maintenance, simple industrial look and so was my client.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sowing Seeds

I've always thought it would be fun
to start flowers for my yard from seeds.
This year with finances so tight, and still having a desire for
a bounty of beauty,
it has become a necessity. To help fill our gardens with flowers,
I decided to try my hand at sowing seeds indoors.
I purchased little green houses and
gathered a few packets of seeds.
Now, just a few days later, I'm excited to report
a little growth
Does it concern me that I should have
started this process
about six weeks ago
in order to enjoy blooms before the fourth of July?
Not really.
But isn't that what real growth is all about?
Overcoming our mistakes and
blossoming despite them.