Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random love.....

Do you have those decor pictures that make your heart beat a bit faster ? Here are a few of mine. Art that pops in the kitchen, green used outdoors, a fat comfy couch (cute puppy a huge bonus) and a bright white bathroom. Sighhhhhhh. I love design.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Get A Handle

A few years ago we remodeled our kitchen for just around a thousand dollars. Of course that price did not include the appliances or new cabinetry. But it did include light fixtures, beadboard, glass, primer, paint, glaze, poly, granite tiles, grout and all the materials for the new underlayment that's required when you tear off the existing counter tops. Then there was the cost of the trim at the top of the cabinets, tile for the edging, and hardware for the drawers and doors. And when it was finished I was pretty proud of our "new" old kitchen. However, there was one element that I felt we could improve on if we could find another bargain. The white hardware.

I had purchased a big bag of white handles at the thrift store for three dollars. Who can pass that up when there's twenty-six handles that need to be replaced? It looked fine enough until I came across another
bag-o-hardware last week at the thrift store for four dollars.
The new handles match perfectly with our lighting fixtures
and the lead on the stained glass door.
I think the kitchen is complete. . . .
at least until we get weather warm enough to throw open the windows and break out the paint brushes because there's just one more element that I need to improve upon!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Budding Plans

It's a gorgeous day today!
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I have plans to make my little corner of the world a bit more beautiful.
I'm going to plant these (once centerpieces) little pretties.Then I'm going to take some trimmings from my forsythia bushes and do this to their little ends, plop them in water, and bring them into my warm home so that
in a few days I can have a lovely display like this! It would make me so happy if your plans would include
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, so very, very much!