Congratulations to Crystal!
crystal said...
I love sunflowers even the ones growing along the road in summertime
would love to see them in winter.Thank You for all your delightful designs.
(Crystal please email me for the details)
I love sunflowers even the ones growing along the road in summertime
would love to see them in winter.Thank You for all your delightful designs.
Desiree said...
Oh how I love monograms. PLEASE pick me.
November 2, 2009 3:55 PM
Gift Certificate winner:
Natalie said...
I would love to get the gift certificate! I do love the laundry room quote, but I don't have a real laundry room. Thanks for the chance to win!
November 3, 2009 10:36 AM
Laundry winner:
Andrea said...
I'm lovin' the Laundry sign!
November 3, 2009 7:59 AM
Jordan and Raelene, owners of Belvedere Designs, are some of the most generous people I've met. They've decided to add one more prize for their favorite saying.
Bonus $35 Gift Certificate winner:
Aubree @ The Weathered Cottage said...
wow! i would love to win a gift certificate. I love the saying, "The Laundry Room, Loads and Load of Fun" and also "Let him sleep for when he wakes he will move mountains"- Napoleon for my little boy's room!
November 2, 2009 11:55 AM
The winners can contact Belvedere Designs to claim their prizes.
You know how I love a great monogram design! Yep, I love monograms so much that I picked this one to give away to one lucky winner!
Can't you just imagine this beauty above your bed! Or how about in the entry or living room of your home surrounded by photos of your family.
I really wanted this design for my laundry room but I don't have the wall space for it.
Hopefully you do though because we're giving it away!
And if that isn't enough, Belvedere Designs is also letting me give away a gift certificate. The winner of this will be able to pick any item, up to $50 in value, from their site! Ooohhhh so many choices! And they've even added 18 new colors like olive, lipstick, buttercream, celdon, and bubblegum, to name just a few.
Belvedere even has a blog where you can see lots of new ideas. And they have a monthly drawing for a $50 gift certificate from their customer-submitted photos.
I'm sure that you're anxious to enter this giveaway! Here's all you need to do: leave me a comment telling me which of the three choices (monogram, laundry sign, gift certificate) you would love to win. If you want another entry then post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or facebook. And for a third chance to win, leave a favorite quote that you'd love to see Belvedere Designs make---one that they don't already offer (this might be tough because they offer a ton of great quotes already).
This giveaway will be open until Saturday at midnight (MST) I'll anounce the three lucky winners next Monday. GOOD LUCK!