I was contacted by Sunflowerguy.com asking if I'd be interested in reviewing their flower delivery service. I'm not one to turn down a bouquet of beautiful flowers so I said Yes!
I was excited to see a fresh flower delivery on my doorstep!

Oh well, my bouquet looked even more elegant in a vase from my collection.

I enjoyed my pretty bouquet from Sunflowerguy.com and now
here's your chance to try out their fresh flower delivery.
Go to their site and have a look around.
While you're there register to win a year of fresh flowers
(who wouldn't love that!).
Then come back here and leave a comment.
On Friday I'll announce the winner.
Good Luck!
here's your chance to try out their fresh flower delivery.

While you're there register to win a year of fresh flowers
(who wouldn't love that!).

On Friday I'll announce the winner.
Good Luck!